Waist beads I made =}
1 Blue Bead, 2 Green Beads, 2 Orange Beads, 9 Red Beads, & I didn’t count the White & Black Beads!
The reasons for wearing waistbeads and the colors I used for mine can represent MANY things. The following is just a few why I chose to do mine! =}
Waist Beads- The Yoruba word for waist bead is Ileke Idi. They are worn for many reasons. They are used to ward off evil spirits when used with the colors of their deity, birth control (as well as encouraging multiple births), and medicinal purposes like fighting menstrual cramps. A popular reason is to "keep" their husband, or entice the one they desire. Typically, they are soaked in oil for fragrance (mentioned with the medicinal purposes). It also depends on the wearers purpose. Personally, I wear them FOR ME, to be hidden under my clothing. My own personal secret and reminder of my femininity.
Black-also a very powerful color that also portrays one of class elegance and wealth (i.e. Black tie events, LBD); combined with other colors can have a very strong statement.
White- often associated with being pure, clean, fresh and good; usually associated with being heavenly. In Hollywood, the good characters are usually clothes in white (i.e. Gandalf the White Wizard from LOTR)
Red- a hot color that evokes a powerful emotion of passion, lust, sex, energy, blood and war. Also a symbol of pride & strength (the reason why many nations have it in their flags), and a ROYAL color.
Orange- a bright and warm color representing fire, the sun, fun, warmth. Considered a fun light color, which also increases oxygen supply to the brain and stimulates mental activity. My zodiac sign is LEO which is a fire sign.
Green- the color of nature and health. It represents growth, nature, money, fertility and safety. Darker shades represent military, finance, and banking . However it can also be associated with being new or inexperienced as being green or a "green horn"
Blue- a cool calming color that shows creativity and intelligence. It is a color of loyalty, strength, wisdom and trust. Also known for having a calming effect on the psyche
Key- I am chaste and it is symbolic to me as being the only holder of the key to my treasure.
Check out the sources where I found my information:
Why Yoruba Women Wear WaistBeads
Color Psychology
Ikele Idi
Forum on WaistBeads
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